Denomination or company name
KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC , trade name, created in the state of DELAWARE since April 28, 2014.
KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC is licensed to practice in the United States through the Certificate of Authority to Transact Business in Michigan ( download the document )
USA tax number (EIN NUMBER): 35 2506383
DETROIT head office address
KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC: The registered office address is 48337 Dyke Ave., Shelby Township, MI 48317 .
CLEVELAND Head Office Address
EASY CLEVELAND LLC: The registered office address is 6545 Market Avenue North, 100 Suite, North Canton, OH 44721.
President’s name
Valérie Pellegrini is the president associated with Michael Pellegrini (CEO) of the KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC group and of its subsidiary EASY CLEVELAND LLC *.
* EASY CLEVELAND LLC, trade name, created in the state of OHIO since September 12, 2019.
* EASY CLEVELAND LLC is authorized to practice in OHIO via the Certificate of Authority to transact business in Ohio.
* USA tax number (EIN NUMBER): 84 4297570
Phone / e-mail
Tel head office: +1 (248) 579-5289
Contact details of the web host
LWS ( – Web Services Line)
SARL with the capital of 1 000 000 Euros
75838 17 PARIS CEDEX
RCS Paris B 450 453 881 – APE 723Z
In-box VAT: FR44 450 453 881
SIRET 45045388100010
The publisher
Director of publication: Ms. Valérie Pellegrini
This site is published by KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC.
KALLISTE INTERNTIONAL LLC , trade name “EASY DETROIT”, created in the state of DELAWARE since April 28, 2014.
KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC is authorized to practice in the state of MICHIGAN via the Certificate of Authority to transact business in Michigan ( download the document HERE )
USA tax number (EIN NUMBER): 35 2506383
This site uses the WordPress publishing platform.
Who are we?
KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC has developed this informative site for the benefit of a group of wealth management advisers and investors.
And freedom
In accordance with the law 78-17 of 6 January 1978, called law Informatique et Libertés, the users of the site have a right of access (art. 34 to 38 of the law) and rectification (art. 36 of the law) of the data concerning them. Thus, they may demand that any information concerning them which is inaccurate or incomplete be rectified, completed, clarified, updated or deleted, by writing to the company KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC.
Declaration to the CNIL
The site has been the subject of a prior declaration to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL), declaration registered under the receipt number: 1774315V0. The collected information can be transmitted to the partner professionals of the site .
The site contains hypertext links to other sites declines all responsibility for the contents.
The user is informed that during his visits to the site, cookies may be automatically installed on his computer through his browser. A cookie is a block of data that does not identify the user but records information relating to the navigation of it on the site.
The setting of the browser software makes it possible to inform of the presence of cookies and possibly to refuse it knowing, however, that the refusal of installation of cookies may result in the impossibility of accessing certain services.
More information about cookies in our Terms of Service.
Copyright :
All texts, images, photographs, videos, music, products and published on are the intellectual property of KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC and may not be reproduced, copied or reproduced without having obtained prior consent of KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC.
Any fraudulent use of this content may lead to prosecution in the competent court.
1- Presentation
These General Conditions of Use (hereinafter the “T & Cs”) set out the conditions of use of the sites created by the company KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC. A user (hereinafter “User”) is any person accessing the site
KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC reserves the right to modify or update the Terms of Use without having to notify the “User” and without prior agreement.
Access to the sites implies for the “User” to have an Internet connection and suitable computer equipment, the costs of which are the responsibility of the “User”.
The “User” will only be able to access the sites for his personal and private use.
2- Hosting
This site is published by KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC.
The site is hosted by LWS.
In accordance with 78 law 17-6 of January 1978, known as the Data Protection Act, the “User” of KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC’s network of sites, Media has access rights (34 38 article of the law) and rectification (article 36 of the law) data concerning him. Thus, it can demand that the information concerning them is rectified, completed, clarified, updated or erased by writing to KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC.
1- Personal data
KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC, respects the privacy of the “User” and strictly complies with the laws in force on the protection of privacy and individual freedoms. This section illustrates its commitment to respect the privacy of Users and the protection of personal data concerning them (the “Data”), collected and processed during the use of the site under the conditions referred to within Terms of use.
KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC, is the holder of the personal “Data” collected but may have to communicate them to the companies of the KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC group, in order to best meet your needs. Exceptionally, KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC, may transfer your “Data” to some of its partners in order to find the solution that best suits your needs. You can refuse to have your information transferred by using our form:
(X) Mr. () Ms.
In order to verify that the request is not fraudulent, please attach your identity document *:
You wish :
() The deletion of your data () The modification of your data () Consult your data stored with us
[] cgu I accept the T & Cs of the site so that my data is deleted or modified
[Send your request]
* All fields are mandatory
2- Collected data
The “Data” collected and subsequently processed by KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC, are those that the “User” voluntarily sends to him via the various forms of the sites. They consist of at least one name, an e-mail, a year of birth, a telephone number, a postal code and a value related to the tax bracket. The “Data” collected automatically by the site are the “IP” address (address of the computer), to the exclusion of all others. KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC, may implement an automatic process of tracking (cookie), to which the “User” can interfere, if not registered, by modifying the relevant parameters of his internet browser.
3- Purposes of Treatments
The “Data” identified as mandatory within the forms are necessary in order to benefit from the functionalities of the KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC sites. The “Data” collected automatically by the site allow KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC, to establish statistics regarding the consultation of the web pages of the site. These treatments were the subject of a declaration to the CNIL.
4- Data Recipients
The “User” is informed that data concerning him may be disclosed in accordance with a law, a regulation or by virtue of a decision, of a competent regulatory or judicial authority or, if this proves to be the case necessary for KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC to preserve its rights and interests.
KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC, uses the information relating to the “User”, which was collected and processed by the filling of a form and which are necessary for the realization of the services proposed by KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC.
5- Data Security
KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC, attaches particular importance to the security of “Data” relating to the “User” and implements all appropriate measures to limit the risk of loss, deterioration or misuse thereof.
6- Data Retention
The “Data” is stored at the host LWS.
The “Data” will be stored for 10 years.
7- Right of consultation and withdrawal
The “User” has a right of inspection over the stored “Data” concerning him. The “User” can exercise his rights by using this form:
(X) Mr. () Ms.
In order to verify that the request is not fraudulent, please attach your identity document *:
You wish :
() The deletion of your data () The modification of your data () Consult your data stored with us
[] cgu I accept the T & Cs of the site so that my data is deleted or modified
[Send your request]
* All fields are mandatory
- What is a Cookie ?
A cookie is a file made up of a set of “Data” stored on your computer, tablet or mobile. This “Data” is collected through your internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) when you browse a website or a web application. - The impact of our cookies
Only the device you use is identified in the cookies, they do not identify you personally. They just communicate information about your journey throughout our site.
They serve to facilitate your navigation on our site in order to offer you an optimal and ergonomic user experience.
Cookies used on our site can not in any way damage your device. - Refuse or delete cookies
You can choose whether to accept cookies via your browser.
Here are the procedures to refuse or delete them for the main browsers:
– Chrome:
– Firefox:
– Edge:
– Safari:
As a reminder, the refusal of cookies will not allow you an optimal use of our site and the various services it offers (simulators, calculators, videos …).
Telephone conversations with our advisors are not recorded but may be subject to double listening to improve our services.
The “User” has at his disposal calculation and simulation tools to optimize, evaluate and better understand his future real estate investment. Thus, it can anticipate certain deadlines and learn about a subject in a personalized and free way.
These simulation services only provide indicative resultsthese have no contractual value. The “User” must be aware when he uses the results of his simulations.
All “Data” entered during a simulation can be used by KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC, or by its partners. Following this, the “User” can be restarted by phone call or by email. In accordance with the Law 2014-344, (Hamon law) of 17 March 2014 and with theArticle L.223-2 of the Consumer Code, canvassing operations may be stopped; except in the case of a pre-existing contractual relationship. To request a stop, simply fill out the form below:
(X) Mr. () Ms.
In order to verify that the request is not fraudulent, please attach your identity document *:
You wish :
() The deletion of your data () The modification of your data () Consult your data stored with us
[] cgu I accept the T & Cs of the site so that my data is deleted or modified
[Send your request]
* All fields are mandatory
The “User” can at any time register on a list of opposition to canvassing via the Government site Bloctel.
ARTICLE 6: AVAILABILITY OF SERVICES has an obligation of means in terms of accessibility of service and sets up the necessary structures to make the site accessible 7 days on 7 and 24 hours on 24.
However, its access may be suspended without notice, mainly for maintenance and upgrade reasons. Easydetroit is in no way responsible any damage that may result to the user or any third party.
Similarly, some or all services and content may be modified or deleted, including for technical reasons, without notice. reserves the right to refuse, unilaterally and without prior notice, to any user, access to all or part of the site. Such a decision could notably be taken in case of non-compliance with this charter by a user.
The current Charter site is subject to French law. esay detroit reserves the right to amend the terms, conditions and notices at any time. In addition, the information available on this page is provided at indicative title.
The “User” remains solely responsible for the use he will make of the content of the informative guides.
All the editorial contents (texts, illustrations, images, videos, sounds) which appear on constitute the intellectual property of KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC.
Any modification, publication, representation, reproduction, adaptation of all or part of the contents of this site, is prohibited and whatever the process required. Only written authorization, provided in advance by KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC, may assign these rights to another person.
Any unauthorized use of the site will be considered an infringement and will be subject to prosecution in accordance with the provisions of Article L.335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.
The conditions of purchase via KALLISTE INTERNATIONAL LLC
Kalliste international LLC provides its services on the basis of the following terms and conditions.
- The following definitions will be used in these terms and conditions:
- “EASY DETROIT”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” is a reference to Kalliste International LLC (USA registered company) 48337 Dyke Ave, Shelby Township MI 48317.
- “You” or “Your” is a reference to the person, firm or company who engages the services of Kalliste International LLC.
- “Purchase and Sale Contract” is a reference to the United States of America (the “USA”) for the purchase of a property.
- Kalliste international LLC provides a service sourcing properties in the USA for purchase by you. Kalliste international LLC does not provide services in relation to the actual purchase of the property by you. We are not the seller or purchaser of the property. Our role is to introduce you to properties in the USA. You will then complete the purchase with the seller of the property directly. You are under no obligation to purchase any properties introduced to you by Kalliste international LLC and the decision to purchase any property is your responsibility.
- Kalliste international LLC will expend a considerable amount of time and efort on your behalf sourcing properties for you. A non-refundable arrangement fee of $ 3,900 (the “USA Arrangement Fee”) will be payable by you to Kalliste international LLC. $ 3,900 and listed as “F” is payable upon reservation of a property introduced to you by Kalliste international LLC. The reservation of a property occurs when you sign the reservation agreement and you will enter into a legally binding agreement with Kalliste international LLC on the date upon which you sign the reservation agreement. The USA Arrangement Fee is payable directly to Kalliste international LLC by bank transfer within two working days from the date of the reservation of the property.
- For the avoidance of doubt, the United States of America However, the USA Arrangement Fee is transferable to a reservation of an international property in Kalliste International LLC in certain circumstances. The transfer of the USA Arrangement Fee to an alternative property is a failure or a breach of the property of the property. Contractualization and the provision of contracted goods in the United States of America. same to an alternative property.
- Nothing in clause
- Upon the failure or refusal of the seller to complete the sale, or upon you not being satisfied with the inspection report and exercising your right to terminate the Purchase and Sale Contract within the stipulated timeframe in the Purchase and Sale Contract or in such other circumstances where Kalliste international LLC exercises its discretion to allow you to transfer the USA Arrangement Fee to an alternative property, Kalliste international LLC shall endeavor to source an alternative suitable property for purchase by you.
- Kalliste International LLC on behalf of the Seller. The reservation agreement is entered into the following list of terms and conditions:
- On the reservation agreement being counter-signed by the seller, both parties will use their best endeavors to purchase a contract under a reasonable time frame.
- On the reservation agreement being counter-signed on behalf of the seller, the reservation is made in the United States of America, the details of which will be provided by Kalliste International LLC, and you will not be able to pay the price. The reservation is fully refundable if the seller refuses or fails to enter into a contract. 4, 5, XNUMX, XNUMX, XNUMX, XNUMX and XNUMX.
- You and the seller will be responsible for their own professional and legal expenses, which will be divided into two parts. Contract.
- Kalliste international LLC shall endeavor to ensure that all information passed to you about any property is accurate and not misleading. However, Kalliste international LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of any information provided to Kalliste international LLC by the sellers of properties or their agents or for the accuracy of any entry in any public register, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the inaccuracy of any such information. Kalliste international LLC provides no representations or warranties whatsoever in relation to the property or its condition otherwise, the seller of any property, the purchase of any property or the subsequent letting or use otherwise of the property. Kalliste International will hire a law firm to obtain a Warranty Deed to ensure that the property purchased is not under mortgages. The inspection fees will also be included in this contribution, and designated as “G”
- You accept that:
- The properties introduced by Kalliste International LLC may not match your requirements in any or every respect.
- A property introduced by Kalliste International LLC may be withdrawn from the market by the seller at any time.
- The details are contained in the information provided for the purpose of providing information only to a general indication of a property, and do not constitute any part of an agreement.
- You shall satisfy yourself as to the correctness of any information provided by Kalliste international LLC before purchasing a property and accept that it is your responsibility to take any appropriate legal, professional or other advice and that Kalliste international LLC does not ofer any legal, financial, tax, accounting, surveying or other specialist advice.
- Kalliste International LLC, breach of contract or breach of contract or otherwise, whether or not such loss is foreseeable.
- While Kalliste international LLC makes endeavor to recommend only reliable and reputable providers of such services as finance, legal, surveying, property or any other associated services, Kalliste international LLC shall not be held responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from such recommendations. All contracts for such services shall be between you and the service provider in question, and Kalliste international LLC shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from such contracts or otherwise.
- For the purposes of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties), this contract is not intended to provide any person who is not party to any of its provisions.
- These terms and conditions and the documents referred to in it (the “Contractual Documentation”) constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of Kalliste international LLC and you and supersedes any previous agreement between Kalliste international LLC and you relating to the services provided by Kalliste international LLC under these terms and conditions.
- Kalliste International LLC and you agree to enter into a warranty, representation, statement, agreement or undertaking of any kind (if negligently or innocently made) of any person other than as expressly set out these terms and conditions.
- The only remedy available to the parties for breach of warranties shall be for the purposes of this Agreement and the parties to the agreement.
- Kalliste International LLC and you, no variation of these terms and conditions of the document.